Lenin Design Bureau Apps

The Szondi Personality Test
Examinee №23“After I saw the results I had goose bumps. The coincidence isstunning, I didn’t expect this”Examinee № 11“It was like someone got into my mind. The results are very preciseand personal, don’t show it to anybody if u don’t want to lose it"(laughing)Examinee № 3“I’ve always been skeptic about tests like that. But this one justimpressed me, it came to my mind so deeply, it described my innerworld so precisely that I’m shocked”The Sondy’s Test is projective personality test, developed by aSwiss doctor, psychoanalyst and 
psychologist Leopold Szondy. Thistest brought worldwide fame to him. The Sondy’s method is a verysubtle and accurate way of diagnostics.Diagnosis:- diagnostics of the content and structure of human beings’impulses;- assessment of emotional States and personality traits;- identifying the level of emotional tension;- prediction of the probability of different diseases;- prediction of behavior in extreme situations;- prediction of professional and criminal preferences.This method can be used:- in clinical practice, psychological counseling and psychotherapyfor clarifying the problems and possibilities of the customers,identifying the level of stress and emotional disorders, assessmentthe effectiveness of psychological and pharmacological correction,judicial-psychological expertise;-in personnel management and professional consultation for careerguidance and occupation selection, assessment of the employees 'professional potential, forecasting their behavior in extremesituations and the effectiveness of task solutions, choosing themethods of motivation.
Selection of Colors 1.1.1
Paint your life into harmonic combination ofcolours, whether it is a simple painting of something, choice ofclothes or searching for interior items. All you have to do is tochoose the primary colour and this application will give you thesuitable colour solutions.You can make a picture or upload an image to determine the suitablecolour for you. After the cuitable colours were chosen, you cansave them, to be referred later.
Цветовой Тест Люшера 1.9.3
Подглядывание в психоанализ должно бытьвпирамиде Маслоу, ведь это интересно.Данный тест представляет собой мощнейшийинструментпсиходиагностики и самоанализа, позволяющий, за считанныеминутыполучить точнейшее описание различных сфер вашей жизни,особенностисложившихся отношений, как с самим собой, так и сдругими людьми,также он поможет вам распознать наличие внутреннихконфликтов иполучить пути к их разрешению.Peepingintopsychoanalysis should be in Maslow pyramid, it's interesting.This test is a powerful tool psychodiagnosis andintrospection,which allows for a few minutes to get an accuratedescription ofthe various areas of your life especially difficultrelations withhimself and with others, as it will help you torecognize theexistence of internal conflicts and the way to getresolvethem.
Тест Роршаха: апатия и тлен 1.1.5
Not every analyst will give the result that you get in this test.
The intense 12 minute workout 1.0
High-intensity 12 minute workout with a barbell Special trainingwith a barbell that does not take more than 12 minutes per week. –Train once a week with this program; – Track progress; – Theresults of your training is available from any Android device;